Bring your content and projects together seamlessly.

Connect your Dropbox content to JIRA and keep your team’s projects and issues in sync.

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Dropbox integrates with JIRA so your team can access and share content directly from within your issue and project management tool. With the Dropbox for JIRA add-on, everyone can see what’s being worked on and get the most up-to-date material in real-time, eliminating unnecessary review cycles and keeping your projects organised in one place.

  • Organise content like a pro with embedded folders. With a single click, you can link a Dropbox folder to a JIRA project and gain rich access to content – files, video, images and more – from within JIRA. You can easily navigate entire Dropbox folder structures and natively preview documents directly in JIRA.
  • Manage your files. Team members can read, upload, delete, rename and create folders in Dropbox without leaving the JIRA environment.
  • Pair a file with an issue. When you link a Dropbox file to your JIRA issue, you can view inline previews, full size previews and comments of your Dropbox files from within Jira.
  • Authenticate with Dropbox from JIRA. Once you install the Dropbox for JIRA add-on, connect to your Dropbox account through OAuth for a seamless user experience.

Contact Atlassian

Contact your Dropbox or Atlassian sales representative for more information.