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Why can’t I edit a PDF file?

6 min read

Sep 2, 2024

Person working at a desk, looking at a computer screen, symbolising efforts to solve a problem, like editing a PDF file.

Common reasons why you can’t edit a PDF file

It’s easy to create and share a PDF file, but occasionally you can run into problems when trying to edit a PDF you’ve received from someone else. This can be particularly frustrating when editing the document is time-sensitive, such as an urgent contract that needs signing.

There are a number of reasons why PDFs can sometimes be difficult to edit. Let’s look at some of the most common issues.


What to do if…your PDF file is missing administrative rights

PDF files created in Adobe have permission settings. These are set by the file admins, roles assigned by the original creator of the file.

The permission settings are ‘read-only’, ‘edit’ and ‘password-protected’. If you can only preview a PDF, it may be that you can’t edit the file because the permission level is set to ‘read-only’ or ‘view-only’.

One way around this may be to export your PDF from Adobe Acrobat to another app like Microsoft Word, then resaving the file as a PDF in the Save As function. However, this isn’t recommended for documents that contain sensitive or confidential information.

Alternatively, a PDF reader that offers an editing function may be more effective. The Adobe Acrobat Reader app for mobile and desktop will enable you to sign and annotate PDFs. But to access more editing capabilities, you may need to upgrade to a paid subscription on Acrobat Reader Pro.

Securely store and edit your PDFs

Edit PDFs, store files and collaborate effortlessly—all within Dropbox's secure cloud storage.

Can’t edit a PDF after signing it? You’re not the only one

Being unable to edit a signed PDF is another common problem. This usually happens because once you sign a PDF with an eSignature tool like Dropbox Sign, the file becomes read-only for other users.

If you requested an eSignature from someone in a PDF form (such as a contract or statement of work) and have received the file back, you may not be able to edit it once it’s been signed. The signer may choose to manually lock the PDF after signing it, making it read-only for everyone.

To edit the PDF, you’ll need to go back to the unsigned version. Make your revisions to this version of the file, then send it back over to be signed again. 

This way, everyone involved in the document knows that what has been signed has been agreed upon by all parties, with no late additions or changes that might be missed.

Why can't I edit a PDF with Adobe Acrobat?

Not only is Adobe Acrobat arguably the most common software used to view and edit PDFs—the co-founders of Adobe actually developed the format in the 1990s.

However, sometimes you may find that you’re unable to edit a PDF using Acrobat. Because Adobe is the prevailing software for creating and editing PDFs, many of the issues—such as being locked out of a password-protected file—can only really be solved in Adobe tools like Acrobat.

If you’re trying to edit a PDF stored on your desktop with Acrobat DC, you may be unable to edit a PDF because:

  • The software is out of date
  • Acrobat is not the default PDF owner on your computer
    • In this case, you may be opening your files in Adobe Reader DC and not Acrobat DC.
    • To change this, right-click the thumbnail of a PDF file then go to Properties and Change next to “Opens with”. Select Adobe Acrobat DC from the list, then click OK, and OK again when you’re taken back to the dialog box.

Are you able to edit a PDF file in your Dropbox account?

Yes, you can edit PDF files on different devices with Dropbox!

When previewing a file in your Dropbox account on, you can:

  • Add, edit, delete, or highlight text
  • Draw freehand notes and annotations
  • Drag and drop form fields
  • Add your signature, or send your PDF with a request for someone else’s signature
  • Alter the layout of your PDF by adding, deleting, reordering or rotating pages

You can either save your edited PDF as a new file in your account or replace the original version with the edited one.

Illustration of documents and various file icons representing different document types, relevant to editing PDFs in Dropbox.
Person scans a receipt with a smartphone, illustrating converting receipts to editable PDFs.

Scan documents as PDFs and edit them seamlessly with Dropbox

From documents that need signing to collaborative video projects, Dropbox is a space for all your content.

Your Dropbox account isn’t just cloud storage for your files and folders. It’s also a dedicated space to organise, edit, share and collaborate anytime—and anywhere—you want.

Scan documents using the Dropbox app for iOS and Android and save them to your Dropbox account as PDFs. Access your PDF files from your desktop and start editing them straight away on It’s time to unlock the next level of your productivity.

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