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How to turn a PDF into a fillable form with editable text fields

4 min read

Oct 27, 2024

Edit PDFs directly within Dropbox

With the Dropbox PDF Editor, you can drag and drop form fields into a PDF stored in your Dropbox account. You can add fields for signatures, text, dates and more—and assign them to others to complete.

To do so:

1. Open the PDF you’d like to edit on

2. Click Edit PDF.

3. Click Sign, then Get signatures.

4. Add the name and email address of the person who needs to fill in the form.

5. Drag and drop the form fields to be filled.

  •     Signatures and initials
  •     Date signed
  •     Full name
  •     Email address
  •     Title
  •     Company
  •     Standard textbox
  •     Checkbox

6. Save your PDF by clicking Save then selecting Save a copy or Replace original.

7. Click Send… to email your PDF form to the person who needs to fill it.

Combined with Dropbox’s cloud storage and file sharing capabilities, this makes it easier than ever to get a form filled without ever writing an email. Whoever you share it with can then interact with and complete the editable form fields directly within Dropbox. They don’t even need a Dropbox account to do so.

As a result, customers, colleagues or whoever you need to fill in your PDF forms can do so quickly and easily, without a download in sight!

What else can you do with the built-in Dropbox PDF editor?

Just by opening up a PDF from within your Dropbox account, you can edit your PDF by:

  • Adding, editing, deleting or highlighting text
  • Adding drawings and annotations
  • Inserting a new page
  • Rotating pages
  • Reordering pages
  • Deleting pages
  • Combining it with another PDF
  • Filling out an interactive form—like the one you’ve just created!


A video explaining how to edit PDFs in Dropbox.
A person sitting outside at a table tries to turn a PDF into a fillable form on their mobile device.

Convert a PDF into a fillable form with Adobe Acrobat + Dropbox

Another way to convert a PDF into a form with editable text fields is with the Adobe and Dropbox integration.

With Adobe Acrobat connected to your Dropbox account, it’s easy to:

  • Work anywhere—Access and edit your PDFs wherever and whenever you want.
  • Go mobile—You can even access PDFs on the go via the Dropbox mobile app.
  • Stay secure—Make sure your PDFs can only be accessed by the right people with Dropbox password protection. It gives you complete control over who can copy, edit or print your documents.
A screenshot of the Dropbox UI, showing how you can open files in Adobe Acrobat directly from your Dropbox cloud storage.

Dropbox makes editing PDFs easier

Dropbox provides the simplest solution for converting PDFs into editable forms.

And with Dropbox file storage, it’s easier than ever to share those forms and have the recipients complete them without the need to download anything.

If you’re still having trouble editing PDFs, you can reach out to members of the Dropbox Community. You may find other users who have experienced the same problem as you and have found an effective solution.

Scan documents as PDFs and edit them seamlessly with Dropbox

From documents that need signing to collaborative video projects, Dropbox is a space for all your content.

Your Dropbox account isn’t just cloud storage for your files and folders. It’s also a dedicated space to organise, edit, share collaborate anytime—and anywhere—you want.

Scan documents using the Dropbox app for iOS and Android and save them to your Dropbox account as PDFs. Access your PDF files from your desktop and start editing them straight away on It’s time to unlock the next level of your productivity.

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